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Havatzelet Ha'sharon6 KS

6 Havatzelet Ha'sharon Street is a Renovation and Addition project (TAMA 38) located in the heart of the established Degania neighborhood in Kfar Saba.

The Building is a short walking distance from Kfar Saba's main street - Weizmann Street. The façade is composed of vertical masses of white plaster and grey stone cladding. The porches, cladded with wood act as a link between the vertical masses. The North and south facades are expressed with a variety of tan and grey random "boxes" with wooden interior, giving the building a unique expressive facade, concealing the utilitarian portions of the building. The conglomerate of the volumes expressed on the exterior of the building could be simply described as "Vertical Vernacular".

Tags: TAMA38, Retrofit, Urban renewal, Gentrification, תמ"א 38


Kfar Saba, IL


Carasso Mivnim 38




2,675 m2


Modified- 12 Residences

New- 7 Residences

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